Around the shop + Update

It has been a busy few weeks at the shop.  I have had quite a few orders for plant stands to keep me busy.  I am putting the oil + varnish finish on them now, so all other work stops.  Cant have any dust to contaminate the beautiful deep grain finish.  I will have a few images of them to share when they are finished.  Thanks to all who have ordered.  The e-commerce portion of the site is coming soon and will make this easier.

I have also been working on this prototype stool that is very exciting.  This one is solid American Black Cherry and created specifically for my workbench since I need a place to sit when I am using hand tools.  It would be easy to adapt to counter or even bar height.  When it is finished I will talk a little more about the design specifics.

Here you can see a groove going through the top rail and the signature "horns" on the end.  These may look familiar from my logo.  The groove is there to accept the danish cord weave that will create the seat.  I think this is going to be super comfortable. 


In the picture below you can see how the  joints get fared together and the corners get rounded over to give it a really organic feel.


Here is the model I create for form and composition.  I talked about this here.  Even with a full CAD plan and 3-d model there is a fair bit of freestyling that happens.  For now, I have eliminated the handles on the ends -  I think it ends up creating a much simpler and stronger form. 

danish cord stool

And of course Cali is super stoked to see it come alive.


Next update this weekend.  A few more things in store...Stay tuned and thanks for checking in.